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Children are precious. They also tend to be small, quick and impulsive — all good reasons for you to use extra caution when driving through designated school zones. According to the National Highway Safety Administration, more than 100 children in the U.S. are killed while walking or biking to and from school each year. Another 25,000 are injured, despite lowered speed limits and bright markings warning drivers to be careful. Continue reading to learn how you can help keep your community’s children safe today.

Obey Speed Limits

Speed limits around schools are usually between 15 and 20 miles per hour during drop-off and pick-up times. This can seem interminably slow when you’re pressed to get to work on time, but rushing is just not worth the risk to little lives — or the huge fine you’ll incur if you get caught. School zone speeding fines are usually much higher than other speeding tickets. Also, be careful to not speed up as soon as you pass the school’s entrance. Reduced speed zones usually extend beyond the four corners of the school, so don’t resume normal speed until you’ve passed the “End of School Zone” sign.

Look for Pedestrians

A child’s peripheral vision is one-third narrower than an adult’s, which means that children can’t see motorists approaching from the side as quickly as a grownup would. They also lack the knowledge to accurately judge an approaching car’s speed and distance, and they don’t realize that their small stature can make them hard to see.

Obey Crossing Guards

Crossing guards often bear the brunt of hostile attitudes from parents and other drivers who deem their own agenda as more important than the children’s safety. A smile and prompt response to their signals makes their day easier and helps keep kids safe.

Hang up the Phone

Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents in the United States today. Texting while driving is just as dangerous as driving while intoxicated, but even those who would never drive drunk are often guilty of texting while creeping along in a school zone. Looking away from the road for just two seconds doubles your chance of having an accident. When there are children around, especially, the risk is just not worth it.

Be on Guard

A good rule of thumb for driving through school zones is to always expect a child to dart out in front of your car. Hopefully that will never happen, but the possibility is real as long as there are kids walking nearby. Let that knowledge keep all your senses alert. Navigate school zones with a mindset of being 100-percent ready to handle a situation.